If I've been particularly unproductive over the last few months here at Are the Hills Going To March Off? and elsewhere on the blogosphere, it's because I've been working tirelessly on my latest short film (well, if you can call 27 minutes short), entitled Wind Through the Cradle, in order to prepare it for a few festivals. I am now finished with the film, which I co-directed with a good friend of mine, Michael Basta. It was shot in Antrim, NH this past April, and stars Clifford Blake and Natasha Mogilevskaya. Mike and I both handled almost everything from pre-production to post, with the exception of a wonderful crew that assisted during the shoot. It's tough to talk a lot about one's own work, understandably, and at the risk of involving myself in too much shameless self-promotion, I'll keep the expository detail to a minimum. As far as the film itself goes, I'll let my own blurb on IMDB do the talking:
"A retired writer (Clifford Blake) who once had a passionate intellectual following has since retreated to the woods to live in complete isolation. Wind Through the Cradle involves the arrival of his distant relative, a young journalist (Natasha Mogilevskaya) for an unspecified source who comes to immerse herself in his lifestyle and probe his inner being in an attempt to bring his enigma to public light. A tension builds as the journalist stays for longer than intended, which builds to a deeply ambiguous climax. Told with languorous narrative rhythms, minimal dialogue, and a graceful observational camera, Wind Through the Cradle is a mysterious examination of the limits of familial bonds in the foreboding silence of the forest."
Blah, blah, blah. That's the gist. My purpose in posting this is 1) to explain why my posts have, for the most part, been few and far between, and 2) to hopefully prompt some of my readers to see it for themselves. I'd of course love to hear any feedback you might have, so if you're compelled, please leave a comment (or two!) on this post, or shoot me an email at the address kept in my blogger profile. I really look forward to anything you might have to say!
Wind Through the Cradle can be found here.
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